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Asbestos Inspections

asbestos inspections

Before beginning to inspect asbestos we need to know the important facts and why it is important to learn about it. So the principal question that arises is what we understand by asbestos inspections? Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can only be identified by a special kind of microscope. Asbestos was used in construction materials and the reason for their use was to strengthen certain building materials. It gave these materials strength to withstand insulation generated through heat and also provided a fire resisting ability.

What are the risks associated and how Scope Works can help you?

Some notable research conducted on people who were employed in some factories and big shipping yards that got themselves exposed to asbestos puts light on some of the important issues concerned with humans getting exposed to this harmful fiber. Breathing a large amount of asbestos fibers poses a grave threat to human beings. It can potentially become a cause of lung cancer and also of asbestosis. This is why it becomes important to make professionals assist you and find you a perfect solution vis-a-vis asbestos inspection. Asbestosis is a condition in which your lungs are scarred with the presence of this harmful fibrous tissue over them. People who smoke are more likely to be affected by inhaling asbestos and their chances of getting infected with this dangerous mineral fiber are greater. Though it takes a long time to learn that an individual is exposed to asbestos as the symptoms do not show up immediately it is always wise to choose to keep you away from exposure to asbestos .We at Scope works have a team of experts who are there to inspect the presence of this harmful fiber in and around you. We have been working diligently and have a long list of satisfied clients to our name. We have a team of asbestos professionals who will take care and provide all the possible solutions for you. To make you aware about asbestos let’s try to discuss about it in length and also tell you about the right and smart solution you need to choose.

Where is asbestos found? When can they be seen as a serious problem!

You will not find asbestos in the building materials used in the contemporary world. The products which still contain some degree of asbestos present in them usually come with labels. Back in time some products that came with asbestos could still be in use so it’s wise to be aware of their presence in your homes or offices and need to be taken proper care of.


Some are very common and do need a mention as we are concerned about the overall benefit of our customers and their good health.


  • Pipes, asbestos paper tapes, ducts with asbestos blankets and boilers. If these are improperly handled or removed there is greater chance of them releasing harmful fibers.
  • Floor tiles, vinyl sheet flooring and some adhesives that are used for installing these tiles. It’s better to have an expert solution for such important installations like these so that your family and you are not exposed to any such situation that could pose a threat to your life.
  • Removing and repairing some appliances may allow these harmful fibers to be released as well.
  • Materials used for decorative purposes on walls or ceilings may also release these fibers.
  • Floors and walls near the wood stoves and gas fireplaces may contain asbestos paper around them.

These are some of the major and very common building and construction materials used which might contain traces of asbestos inside them and need to be dealt with utmost care. That’s one reason we at Scope Works provide the best asbestos professionals that will take care of all the work assigned to them. We will identify the presence of asbestos in your homes and make sure they do not do any kind damage to you.

Asbestos professionals. What they can do for you!

Asbestos professionals at Scope work can handle all the major issues concerned with asbestos. We will inspect the presence of asbestos that might be present and according to that we would decide the qualified professional that would be best able to assist you. We will collect the samples as well as advise about the needed corrections. You can always trust and rely on us as we believe in delivering the finest solution for you at all costs regarding asbestos inspections in New Zealand.

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